Monday, 11 June 2012

My WWDC 2012 Keynote Response

Its only been a few days, but I've decided to do an additional blog to discuss Apple's Worldwide Developers Conference (WWDC) 2012, and in particular, their keynote speech which was delivered by Tim Cook and other Apple staff. I followed the developments on twitter using MacRumours live feed. And I really want to give my response on what has been announced.

The first part of the keynote was showing how Apple products have an impact to make a difference in their user's lives. This is completely I can relate to because of my dyslexia, Apple products really do help me in my everyday life, from writing this blog to doing coursework for University. I often use my iPad for note taking and my MacBook Pro is used almost everyday. It's much lighter than my old laptop and has a more effective and longer battery life. But in terms of all my Apple products, my iPhone is the most essential. My iPhone has all my appointments on me and Mr Husband's shared calendar. I really struggled before, because without having the calendar, I would often forget appointments or even double book my appointments. My memory - a known problem with dyslexics - is awful.

Today's keynote announced a few things. In terms of the MacBook Pro ranges, these don't really affect me. I just got my MacBook Pro (story in a blog later) and I'm not looking to update mine now. However, I will be going to the Apple Store to look at the new MacBook Pro with retina screen to see how impressive it is.

What does affect me is OSX Mountain Lion with more integrated use of iCloud, which I use all the time. What I'm really excited about is Dictation on the Mac, which can be used anywhere in the Mac. This is ideal for me, since software for dictation has really improved in the last few years. And Siri in the iPhone 4S is probably the best version of this type of software to date so to see this on the Mac is impressive. Also, as a gamer, I am also impressed with the new Game Centre as well which will have gaming for Mac vs iPad or Mac vs Mac. Looks like I will be trying to beat Mr Husband on the Mac, as well as the iPad and the Xbox 360! Mountain Lion is out next month for $19.99 and its the same as the update for Lion, one download that you can use to update all your Macs. With 3 Macs in our flat, £19.99 is better than £59.97

Finally the iOS 6 updates. Siri is getting a huge update for launching applications and asking sports related knowledge. But also, there is an additional for more languages. Another Siri feature is Eyes Free which will work with particular car manufacturers. This would be awesome if I was buying a new car anytime soon or if Siri was on my iPhone 4 however, its a feature that I look forward to using in the future but will be great for Mr Husband's iPhone 4S. Facebook integration is also happening as well. This is no real surprise since they did this with twitter and since Facebook is a bigger social network (sorry Twitter but I love you as well), it was always going to happen. FaceTime will be used over cellular networks and no longer just over WiFi. This will be good if Mr Husband is away working and we need to use FaceTime instead of Skype's video conferencing which is temperamental. PassBook is also a good idea but we will wait to see who supports it in terms of airlines. This could be handy for Mr Husband's travelling. But also, its good to see that Apple is proud for their accessibility usage. As a dyslexic, the iPhone really does benefit me. There are also new maps for iOS 6 which more features than the current maps system. There have been a lot of rumours that Apple were developing their own system for maps and were planning to drop Google Maps. But the new maps are very pretty with more features such as traffic information and sat nat features using Siri. However, it isn't updated for the original iPad which affects both me and Mr Husband since we both have the original iPads. However, I doubt we will upgrade our iPads based on this

Overall, I'm really impressed with the WWDC. The software updates benefit more than that the hardware updates. That being said, I'm looking forward to seeing the new MacBook Updates in the Apple Store. Another impressive year from WWDC. Now just need to wait for the new iPhone 5 to be announced soon.

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